Date Added: 20th October 2022
Do you struggle with just being you?
In the Narcissistic family “Image is everything” the mantra or thought is to present the perfect family. It’s not acceptable to bring up issues and make the family look bad.
Narcissists aren’t accountable usually for their own behaviour and would rather not express feelings. So, then you are left with “Am I crazy? What’s wring with me? Why can I see the elephant and no-one else can?
The Ten Stingers
There is hope, there is a way forward with Maternal Narcissism.
In 2008 Dr Karyl McBride wrote the book “Will I ever be good enough? - Healing the daughters of Narcissistic Mothers. This book has been a revelation for many women of all ages who have suffered the debilitating effects of having a mother with narcissistic traits or who has full blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
Ros Wilson – a Counsellor and Counselling Supervisor through the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) has undertaken to complete Dr McBride’s therapy training to help the “Daughters” of Narcissistic mothers through Dr. McBride’s 5 step recovery.
Ros holds private counselling sessions for the daughters of Narcissistic Mothers. For more information please call Ros on 0422 120 114.
Quote – “You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge” Dr Phil